Meet The Doc

Dr. Thomas Kauffman at The Athlete Spot™

👋 Hi! I’m Thomas!

I am your Nixa Chiropractor and Sports Rehabilitation Professional at The Athlete Spot™.

My mission is to empower you to overcome injuries and pain, and return to your sports as fast as possible with confidence!

I graduated from Logan University in 2018 and since then I have worked with a variety of athletes in whom have helped me hone my skills in the art of diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of various sports injuries.

These include:

  • Neck Injuries

  • Shoulder Impingement

  • Mid-Back Pain

  • Rib Pain

  • Low Back Injuries

  • Disc Herniations and Bulges

  • Tendon Injuries

  • Tendinopathies

  • Muscle Tears

  • Muscle Strains

  • Ligament Tears

  • Ligament Sprains

  • IT Band Pain

  • Knee Injuries and Pain

  • Foot Injuries and Pain

  • Sciatica

  • and other muscle and joint injuries and pain

I founded The Athlete Spot™ to provide athletes and active individuals with the care they deserve to help them train and compete longer.

I am no stranger to sports related injuries. I’ve had my fair share of injuries during my high school and college years that changed the trajectory of my career.

From back pain and muscle tears, to meniscus injuries, ligament tears and tendinopathies. My goal is to help you overcome current injuries and pain, help you avoid future ones, and help you stay healthy to train and compete for as long as you want!

At The Athlete Spot™ I specialize in providing you with individualized care to meet your specific needs, goals and lifestyle.

Injuries Suck

As a sophomore, I suffered from a grade two acromioclavicular (AC) joint separation on my left shoulder. This injury stopped me from participating in the sports that I loved for over 3 months, costing me my spot in the varsity team. I completed my physical therapy program getting rid of the pain, and avoiding surgery, but I wasn’t confident in my shoulder for a long time. It wasn’t until I started playing with my own rehab that I became fully confident in my shoulder. Twelve weeks later I was sacking quarterbacks, stopping running backs and helping my team go undefeated that season.

This was my first experience recovering from a sports injury — needless to say I learned a lot about myself, and my body through my own rehab.

As a senior, I would go on to tear my chest muscle during wrestling practice. I wasn’t able to practice for over a month. Eventually it cost me the season. However, this time, I knew I would have to rely on other methods outside of physical therapy if I wanted to get back to lifting and staying active. I once again began looking for ways to rehab my chest. Within four months, I was back to benching 220 lbs.

As a collegiate cheerleader I suffered from a neck injury when I landed directly on my head during a failed back flip in practice. During my visit at the emergency department the doctors told me that “thanks to my muscle mass” the impact was reduced and the joints in my neck and back where fine. After a couple of days of soreness and limited range of motion, I returned to cheerleading and although I wasn’t allowed to attempt a backflip, I ended competing with my team at cheer nationals in 2011 where we took 3rd place.

Because of my injuries and my passion for developing a strong and capable body, I chose to pursue a career that allows me to help others improve their physical capabilities, and avoid unnecessary injuries and overcome current ones.

My Path to The Athlete Spot™ Chiropractic and Sports Rehab

In 2013 I graduated from Missouri State University with a degree in Exercise and Movement Science with special interest in biomedical sciences and obtained the strength and conditioning certification from the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

In 2017 I obtained the level 1 certification as a Crossfit coach, and as a United States of America Weightlifting Performance Coach

As a strength and conditioning professional I have helped a variety of recreational and professional athletes including baseball player, cross country athletes, cheerleaders, gymnast and CrossFit athletes improve their physical capabilities through tailored and detailed training programs for the last 10 years.

In 2018 I graduated from Logan University with my doctorate degree in chiropractic with special interest in sports rehabilitation and human performance.

Now as a doctor of chiropractic, I combine my coaching and programming experience, with my medical knowledge of the human body, injury rehabilitation and adaptation to provide my patients and athletes with a tailored plan to help them be the best athlete they can be.

Over the last few years I have had the opportunity to work with athletes in various sports, from CrossFit and weekend warriors to NBA players, Olympic athletes, football players, golfers, and triathletes. Help them overcome shoulder pain, neck pain and back pain, as well as injuries related to their sports.

I look forward to help you become the best athlete you can be, overcome injuries and dominate your sport.

Raising the Bar in Athlete Health Care

As a former collegiate athlete, certified strength and conditioning coach, and avid health and fitness enthusiast, Dr. Kauffman founded The Athlete Spot™ to provide a better alternative to the treatment-driven, superficial care that has plagued the modern healthcare industry.

After spending hundreds of hours training under other chiropractors, physical therapists, and performance coaches, Dr. Kauffman saw first hand the flaws and short-comings of the traditional, insurance-based, injury model that emphasized short-term quick-fix care and was not providing real, long-lasting results for the athletes.

At The Athlete Spot™, Dr. Kauffman prides himself not only on providing a unique, holistic approach to how he treats each of his patients, in clinic, but also by helping educate and empower everyone who walks through the door so that they can take control of their health, and improve their performance.

Getting results that last is not easy work.

Recovering from an injury can be daunting.

Knowing what exercises, when to do them, and how much to do can be overwhelming.

If you combine our approach with your efforts, say goodbye to band-aid care.

What Athletes Like You Are Saying

The Athlete Spot™


Our mission is to empower athletes to overcome pain and injuries, achieve optimal health and wellness, and reach their full potential through simple and effective lifestyle and performance recommendations based on individual biometrics and the key pillars of health.


Our vision is to be the leading provider of health care for athletes known for our personalized and effective approach to improving and optimizing athletes physical and mental well-being.


  • Patient-centered: We believe in tailoring each treatment to the individual needs and goals of our patients.

  • Evidence-based: We use the latest research and techniques to provide the most effective care possible.

  • Empowerment: We believe in empowering our patients to take an active role in their own healing and well-being.

  • Collaboration: We work closely with other professionals to provide a comprehensive approach to our patients' care.

  • Integrity: We are committed to providing honest and ethical care to our patients.

  • Continuous learning: We strive to stay current with the latest research and developments in the field of health care for athletes.

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